Tuesday 25 June 2013

Scene insight


For this blog I  have used this scene as it shows that even though to the outside world they may portray as perfect to themselves they will always see flaws and always believe that their not good enough. In this scene it shows all three of the girls and them standing in front of a mirror explaining to one another the flaws they hate, to Cady as she stands in the distance she never knew life was like this and that the “girls world” was so cruel and they would never accept their image and their looks. You hear comments such as “ my hips  are huge”,  “I hate my calves” “I have man shoulders”, “my hair lines is so werid”, “my pores are huge” and little things such as “my nail beds suck” .

 Everyone is stereotyped however the media are making it harder for girls to never accept their looks when they see woman/models being photo shopped to have slimmer body, and air brushed to show no freckles, no pores, everything that a girl will go through once in her life, it’s the development to become a woman. In the scene you notice that the girls are all wearing tight clothing and they are making sure that there ‘huge hips’, ‘man shoulders’ are all on display and why is this? Because what the woman wear is what the men are attracted to, For Regina she has airbrushed face and is covered in makeup and this is harder for the views eg the students also to pull out the pores she may have, Girls are never going to look at themselves as being normal, being a powerful young lady  and not needing to have the make up and fitness sessions going for them morning and night 24/7 girls will never understand that not being the skinniest and the it physically showing is perfectly okay. 

As a viewer watching this film and certainly this scene you seem to doubt yourself and look at yourself and think about the flaws for example In my case I was born with freckles and they developed more and more over time and I wished that I never had them however it is genetics and I know im not the only girl that has to go through the stages of life and the disappointment of the way you appear in the mirror, the more make up I use and appeal the more fake I appear to others and deep down to myself, as a teenage girl we always can find something wrong and something that to us we will never be able to fix or change to us as teenage girls we found this a normal everyday  routine, however to a parent this is shocking they believe in their own world we are accept able and that we don’t want to change at all. Parents’ watching this full movie will understand how a teenager girls mind works and the saying of “girl world” why is this that parents are worried and concerned for their daughters? Because health issues can occur in fast rates and can be mentally damage to a girl of a young age, they want the best for their daughters that are all. If a mother was forced to stand in that room and her put downs they were making about themselves she would be very concerned and uncomfortable and possible blame herself because of genetics. What would happen if the directors  all followed this stereotype and made many movies classing these stereotypes and not giving us a balance in movie choices? Teenage girls would be a high concern in  and if we think we are shallow or uptight now it would only get worst.  

Looking at the features that could occur in this scene that may show the representation of teenage girls

·      Dialogue : the way people discuss and the way they talk to another character in this scene you notice the girls are putting themselves down and turning to Cady to see what she believes is wrong with her, Cady is unsure what to say so she pops out that she has bad breath in the morning and to these girls that is not a physical flaw so to them they are now disgusted, the way they are acting as a friend group is quite close to reality and is shown in now times girls which are open with what they see as a horrible feature and what they wish they could change.

    ·      Costumes I described at the top but costumes In this scene are shown to be tight and in Regina, Karin, Gretch clothing. However I understand that to these girls that it is the day they are meant to wear pink “a girl rule” but to them they may feel the tightest clothing they wear the more acceptance they are going get and the way the men/teenage boys are going to be attracted to them.

·               Camera angles, you notice a certain  angle where Regina George is facing the mirror and the camera is looking back at her when she says “my pores are huge” however when you look directly at her there is no flaws in sight she is prefect and has clear skin however she does have make up on ( a mask) that covers up the real problem.

·      Lighting: is quite bight and making all aspects quite noticeable. 

    Mean girls is a movie that shows girls that have no respect in the way they respect themselves and others, a movie that stereotypes are highly shown throughout. 
   A insight to real life teenagers girls and why media has affected our life’s in making us think that we are not worth able for any teenage boy and that you have to be cake faced, tall, tanned, blonde and skin body figure. Life is cruel.

puberty Blues

The Movie:  Puberty Blues cast and produced in (1982)

Puberty Blues is an iconis film that based itself on the brutal and honest view of teenage life, showning two best friends in there mid teen years growing up on the surf and in the surf culture of Cronulla during 1970’s
 It was based on the semi-autobiographical book by  Kathy Lette and Gabriele Carey, it was made into a popular film directed by Bruce Baresford by using the same title and was released in 1981. Puberty Blues is really about a friendship between two young girls. The kind of friendship that means you share everything. It portrays the kind of friendship you really only ever have at that young age ( the crazy years). In the background of this intense friendship is the macho surf culture of 1970‘s Australia.
To me this world would be about the intense friendship and the wide eyed innocence of these girls desperate for acceptance colliding with the casual brutality of a world that values surfing above all else, including the girls themselves. This in a way constrasting with the film Mean girls, where the key role in Mean girls is played by Lyndsay Lohan and her need for acceptance is not depicted by the friendship that means you share everything.  A world of  youth gangs with specific rules.
To me this world is a boys world were at all times the boys call the shots, the boys can boss around who they like, sleep around and they seem to value surfing above all else, including the girls themselves.
The film is a honest approach to the stereotypes that were protrayed In the 1970s. Young woman trying desperately to fit into a social circle, doing anything to any exterme behavour. The Stereotypes of this film shows young girls trying desperately to be socially accepted not only by their own peers but the men back in those days, also in order to do this they  had to smoked, had sex, took drugs, and showed a general disrespect for there parents wishes.
For those  who have watched this film is it shows to be all about what we don’t wish as stereotypes for our young teenage girls, a sense of rebellion, the need to share there bodies to gain acceptance, the willingness to smoke cause that’s what everyone else is doing.  As a young teenager writing this It is impossible to judge if this is how those in the 70’s behaved, I would imagine that the film shows a very real example of teenage life in those times, the 70s were a time of rock and roll, drugs, high teenage pregnancy and all things that this movie shows The girls in this film attempt to create a social status of acceptabiliy in their time. Was it easier being a teenager in the seventies? If this is how teenage girls think is okay to act by what is represented in this film, it shows that teenage girls were free and easy with sex,  had little or not respect for there parents attitudes and beliefs and that smoking drugs particularly cannibas was apart of the culture of being cool. 
In this flm Most males had little or no respect for their female counterparts, other than for sex and good times. I can’t believe even in this age that woman allowed themselves to be portrayed in this way in the media, and it must have been extremly damaging to teenage girls of this area who were considered the popular girls, i.e the ones who slept around, kiss and tell, smoked freely and considered life at the beach the ultimate lifestyle.
The smoking by teenage girls in the film  must have been a great seller for tobacco companies, and at 4.56 in the above clip shows a young boy with a cigarette in his mouth, puffing away, not a good representation for teenagers and certainly not a good stereotype for  young teenagers that to be cool and accepted they need to be smoking and having casual sex.
The film shows a sense of being too  perfect, of course – the waves, the sun. It was only a matter of time before pollution and skin cancer spoiled the party.
Puberty Blues  -Are the challenges of growing up  easy  for teenage girls? If we looked at this film now and compared it with how teenage girls are  in todays day and age we would find that the stereotype of girls of our time would be  very different. Sex: I hope that this is not a true reflecion of this and in our  time and that it seems that the media in the fim portrays them as sexually ignorant individiuals.I believe that the media has portrayed this very well  as it was an area where there was a different level of communciation between parents and their children, topics of sex, drugs and relationships were simply not something you discussed with your parents.

Did kids in this time really listen to their parents? Like today many of us teenage girls wait till a dramatic problem has occurred before we run to our parents for edvice and how we could have stoped this, and how to stop. It shows in the film puberty blues that they have protrayed this well being time of sex in the back of a van, listening to your friends about sex and ignoring the consequences of your actions, and for what to just be accepted? To these two girls this is all they wanted and to them it was a major goal in life, why set strandads like that?. Alcohol is still the same in these days and they are used to reduce stress and to lighten up a day, once again the consequences didn’t matter. Growing up for these two girls was hard and they lost many things in the progress just to be “popular” and to media they protrayed in this film as popularity was measured on who you slept with.

In the film Mean Girls the main character is played by Lindsay Lohan a 16 year old girl that was homeschool in South Africa is not ready for her first day at a high school does not know the unexpecting. She is helped by two less popular kids at the school were she is shown the cliques and who she is to hang out with and who not to for example she is told to avoid the girls named as the Plastics, which is led by a girl named Regina George, they invite her to sit with them and join in their after school activties. When Janis discovers that Cady has been society been accepted she makes up a plan to get revenge on Regina using Cady as in a way a “lad rat”

Through out the  movie you watch Cady develop to be a mini Regina and become bitchy and abandons her two first true friends ( Janis and Damien ) as they do not fit in the image she is made to hold up and she loses her individual personality and gives more about the way she may appear and the way she is to act around others when a out blast occurred at school invovling all teenage girls which attened this school and a few teachers, to which this was all related to the ‘burn book’ that was writen by the plastics, Regina makes a sexuality comment toward Janis and is no longer wanting to be stepped over and treated unfairly she takes a stand and confesses in front of all students(girls) her plan and the fact that Cady was involved.

Cady is shown to grow up after telling everone she was the one and only one that wrote the burn book and that it was a mistake, she shows to wake up to what she has actuallu caused and she knows deep down what she needs to do, she turns back to the old Cady and the girl that was smart and shy. She joins the team at the Mathletes event and is involved in their competition, There Cady stands forced to compete against a girl in her eyes that is unattractive and realising that no matter how much fun she makes out of the girl and her appearance, it would not stop her from beating Cady and winning the competition, After winning the team went to the Spring Fling where Cady was elected Queen and she makes a speech about the meanings of people being judged and that everyone is special in their own ways and that the crown is meanless and everyone has their quaitles and why not inbase them inside of hiding behide someone to protect the fact of possible rejection.

As the film turns to a end the three main plastics split their pathways and actually discover things that they were holding and you notice that Regina joins the lacrosse team were she is shown to take out all her angry and in a way it shows that she will possible not always be the leader nor the best because there is always someone out there somewhere that is a step ahead however it is a postive image to show through the media. Karen becomes the school weather girl,Gretchen joins the “cool asians” and Cady rejoines her patches with Aaron, Damien and Janis.

This film is in Contrast to the film of Puberty Blues, the stereotype representation portrayed by the media in this film is still that of teenagers seeking social acceptance but in a different type of way, there is less use of the sexual content and although there is a portral of teenagers throughout the film seeking acceptance through their willingness to take part in sexual activity it is only in the particular clique of the social circle they are already formed in. There is less of an indication of social circles taking part in drug related activity. The movie more or less portrays an example of a girl who wants to be popular and move from one social circle to another and the difficulties of doing this in an era when students found their peer groups and tended to stay within them. It shows the difficulties of trying to change groups, and in contrast to the film of Puberty blues, while there is normally a challenge to change peer groups there is not the high level of bullying that is experienced in puberty blues, where girls that aren’t what is considered acceptable are verbally abused with word “mole”.

If teenagers were to look at the stereotypes within this film they would certainly challenge whether the benefits of changing peer groups was worth the risk and challenge of not being accepted. In particular this film represents girls as needing more so that the men to require acceptance in social circles and the acceptance is measured however in this film by money and social status of parents, there is more of an acceptance of boundaries set by parents in this film in contrast to the film of puberty blues perhaps so as time has moved on and teenagers are more aware of the consequences of their actions.

The reality of the movie mean girls, is that teenagers are less harsh the bullying is I believe less obvious, there is certain the bitchy attitude that is portrayed in both films but when watching the film the the effects of this representation by the media in this film are less obvious than that of puberty blues.

 i discovered this image from:

The magazine that i was asked to access was a GIRL-FRIEND magazine which was released on April 2012. The actress/model they used was Lea Michele, to my insight i understand that that the magazine has used a well known actress however the way they have made Lea Michele is not nessary

The implications of representation that the media protray to the actual reality that is teenage girls is insanly out of proportion. To which Girls look up to these models they see in a certain magazine and  believing that they will never be good enough and up to this standard, making it a un realistic image to protray and inspire too be.

The media is producing thousand of magazines that are going global and  are under stating woman everyday making it impossible for woman to have any self respect when being caught in a image  I will look at Lea Michele as a example I will examine  all aspects of the front cover to what the media are portraying. Then I will also look into a few articles.

In the front cover of "girlfriend" magazine you will notice that Lea Michele is directed to pose in a sexual manner to try and attract the opposite sex, she is also posing in lingerie with a plain pink cardi over and i believe the purpose of this cardi is to ensure that not a huge amount is revealed to young 9-13 year old audience  however you do know what she is wearing underneath. It is pretty obvious to the viewer what lies beneath the cardigan.

You notice by the colour in the magazine that they are mostly pink tone in a way a light tone purple added in whites and a splash of black now and then, this to attract the age group audience for selling purposes, making it more based toward the girly girls in our society,  looking inside you notice that the editors have addressed articles such as for all the Reece Mastin fans  added  tour pictures to keep up to date with what a teenage boy of a generation is making of our life and capable of reaching his goals, they have used him because a major amount of his fans are of the age 9-13 years old this is for selling purposes again. another article that is protrayed in the magazine is ''how to have the birds and bees talk" how is this something that a 9 year old girl should be ready to read when the legal age to actually be sexually active is sixteen years old. This shows that the media is focusing young teenage girls  to grow up faster and maybe learn something that is hard to talk to their parents about in such way to them as getting a "head start", this shows to me that the media are forcing adulthood apon girls in a fast manner and they are making it harder for young girls to enjoy there childhood. You notice the amount of gossip that is protrayed in the book it beings to concerned how much time these young girls sending reader about someone elses life and judging them for some small mistake in their life they have done, the media understand that young teenage girls are obsessed with hearing about their favourite celebs and knowning where and what they are doing at all times, so you notice that the media have taking advantage of this.

Lea Michele is known from the teen show called 'Glee' to which this she is known to be a girly girly a girl who likes dressing up.Unfortunately the girlfriend magazine you see above does not show the true qualities Lea has portrayed in the past and before she was sucked into what the media was expecting to see.The qualities that are shown in this cover page are things such as: brown hair/olive white skin,brown eyes, no flaws, teeth have been whiten, eyes are shown to be photoshopped, curves are shown however she is insanly skinny anyway. There is also an indication of muscle tone indicating that she is perhaps a gym junkie also.  Lea Michele is doing a quite releaving pose which is showing men of the opposite sex that she is seen as  just a sex object. She is posing for the camera in lingerie and the fact that she has on a cardigan  is not losing respect in herself she may be confident of her own body but to pose in this certain manner for a 9-13 year old magazine is unnecessary. Her hair has also been styled in a sexual way making it look to the viewer that she is mature beyond her years, there is no sign of a pony tail or a french plait on the cover, indications that the viewer is made to believe that she is older than she actually is.

There is also the drop of the shoulder of the top, indicating what lies beneath the top. It is an image that should not be portrayed to its target audience of 9-13 year olds, its as stated above shows a woman well above there years sitting around in her underwear in a a provocative manner. The media is representing to girls of this age group that to be trendy and well liked such as in the program Glee that they need to have the perfect body and portray a sexual image well beyond the years, definitely not something that is appropriate for creating a stereotype for this age group of young teenage girls. In glee Lea portrays an innocent girl who strives for her goals which are aimed at the the music industry, and she is a member of the glee club ( a group of singers) to which they are in a way all the outcast that is shown at highschool and some jocks and cheerleaders have joined, it is a show that altogether breaks stereotyping and shows that different is good.  But the fact of the matter is the that sex sells and this image on the front cover of a magazine would have sold alot more copies for the magazine than what would have sold had the image of Lea in her turtle neck sweater undertaking her violin practice.

This representation to teenage girls is not good, it portrays among many other things that things outside of body image are important in the mind of teenage girls, that if you are good at music it is not simply enough and that there is a need to also have the right image to accompany that talent.  The reality is that most girls don't have the perfect figure they are not photoshoped to give themselves the perfect 10 body, if it is the 10 that the media are now looking at perhaps it is the size 8 a size well out of reach of many teenage girls. Most teenage girls are not proportionate in size, their breasts and bottom don't fall perfectly in line, they don't have flawless teeth and hair. Most girls don't hang out in their underwear. The effects of this representation on teenage girls merely puts pressure on teenage girls to be perfect and when they are not that they are not acceptable in society. This creates social values well beyond the cover the need for girls to think they need to do things such as teeth whitening, dieting, gym work to be accepted.

There are no models in the magazine that are disabled, however the magazine covers different ethnic groups with the same notion that the acceptable image of a different ethnic race is of a thin, sexually provocative young teenage girl. There are many celebrities offered throughout the magazine, some of which have negative images if the teenage girls were to dig deeper. Lindsay Lohan is shown as an attractive role model however if the reader were to do further research into Lindsay they would see that she has recently been released from jail and is now taking part of a drug rehab program. The magazine portrays as being normal girls dressed well beyond their years, in dresses more suitable for adults, there is no sign of teenage girls in converses and many are in heels rather than flat shoes.

In many cases you may notice that in some magazines the prices for some of the products are out of peoples/families budgets however you do notice the media do try and accommodate  for this by having items under $20 dollars and making sure that you dont have to have the best stuff to look prefect but to this they are making us believe that the best is everything and why should we settle for second best?

As you can see below is a picture of a young girl that wishes she had blonde hair, I believe that she is a barbie doll type of person and in her young brain she believes barbie is the only image that is known to be prefect the only image that friends and young boys will accept, she is asking to have the same hair colour as barbie and to this she may not be referring to barbie but barbie is a children's doll  and will use her as an example. To this day many 'older woman' still want to look like barbie, having the tanned skin tone, with the light blonde hair and big breast and slim figure,  however this is just the beginning for this young girl she is looking at the media and seeing many girls with blonde hair and thinking thats what i need to do to be prefect, thats what i need to, thats my goal im going to achieve it, but what she does not know that blonde girls fall into the stereotype known as "dumb and ditzy blondes.

i found this image on goggle images.
under girl stereotyping.
To this day the media are still playing a huge part in the dramatic changes of our teenage girls  to the choices they are making everyday because of the low self esteem and this is caused by being forced to look at super skinny unrealistic models posing to sell a product. All media are wanting is to sell their product and to get their name out there and girls do not have any idea of what prefect actually is and what they are meant to do, and they don't know how to act and they seem to all do the same thing and in the end they follow one another and have no individual personality in a case a form of sheeps.
How do we stop this ? how do you stop the media portraying woman as prefect and making average size woman uncomfortable, how do we stop girls from not wanting to be different and to want goals and inspire to be something that is not normal. To be honest we cant, we just have to try and stop ourselfs from believing where not good enough and believe that we don't have to listen to someone that gets paid as a job to tell teenagers what to buy. 

Mean Girls

Teenagers of our generation are expected to look and act in a certain way to be accepted by a certain clique, is this the way we want to continue, thinking we will never be good enough? We will never be perfect? The Movie Mean Girls is a good example of this and is a thought invoking movie for any teenager. Mean girls is based on a book called "Queen Bees and Wannabes" a film produced by Tina Fey which would gives teenagers/woman a view into the life of high school and the way you "should not act". The Film shows  how easy it is to feel out casted or not accepted based on physical appearance and the clique that we are hanging in. Society has caused a negative example where teenage girls think they are expected to dress and act "slutty" and not be themselves around members of the opposite sex and just pretend or put on fronts as "normal is not okay".
In the film you notice many stereotypes for example “ try hards” who are known for trying  to act popular and up to date with all the trends however they fail in the attempt, this is how some teenagers today may feel or appear to be like.

Teenagers of our generation feel that they will always be the outcast if are not the likes of 'Regina George'  blonde and prefect.

In one of the first scenes you notice the field scene where all three “popular girls” are entering onto the field in different ways. For example you can tell by their clothing  that they are wanting to be different, this is quite clearly shown in the way Gretch Wieners and Karen Smith are shown to act and appear to look like, for example in the photo below you notice that Regina George shows herself as a girl that wears the correct p.e uniform however she is the one that has the opposite sex carry her onto the field. On the other hand Gretch is known to walk on to the scene in a crop top and on the phone this shows that she trying to dress slutty to get noticed and the same goes with Karen whilst she is not showing any belly she is showing her feminie shoulders and is seen to have some cleavage showing and shows that she also fits into the “dumb blonde stereotype” where she is named as the stupidest which does not even know how to spell orange. This shows me that some girls have to try harder than another and some are known to have class without needing to show off any aspects of their body.  

In the film Mean girls the main character is Cady a young teenager has moved from South Africa and she had never attended a school before. Cady has no possible idea of right from wrong, however all she wanted to do was to fit in with the group of girls with the names of Regina George, Gretchen Wieners and Karen Smith, girls known such as the "plastics" to the high-school students they are portrayed as prefect and important and are in the books case the "Queens" of the school, and that anyone that may be "Different" or not act in a certain way is classified as a "Outcast.  

However I noticed a quote that Janie states “Regina George is an evil dictator. How do you over throw a dictator? You cut off her resources. Regina would be nothing without her high status man candy, technically good physique, and her ignorant band of loyal followers. This shows to me as that to the popular girls the way they act, appear etc is to get what they want for example a hot boyfriend and if you lose your popular status  you have nothing you are no longer anyone.

This is the scene which shows the stereotypes that are in the high school such as the girls that eat their feelings and girls that don’t eat at all, and the plastics to which Janis states are “the worst”. Because of this to young girls we feel that unless you are perfect and show no flaws you do not belong in the popular group, and if you are little overweight or not happy with your image/ body shape you belong with the overweight people which eat a lot. How is this suitable to make teenage girls think and to make their self esteems go out the window knowing that they are being judged by other girls by the smallest things. Girls are forced to watch in the media girls being portrayed as sexual objects or someone that will never be good enough and they are not shown to hold a more mature role and be a leader.

Cady at the start of the movie is shown to be all innocence in many areas and because of her back ground in her past she may not have known what real life for a teenager was like certainly not in an American school. An example of this matter was shown in the film where Cady did not know many slang such as when Regina says "shut up" Cady did not know the true meaning behind this, as she thought was the complete opposite to what Regina was actually trying to bring the word across as. ( below is the scene where Regina uses her slang and confuses Cady)

above is a clip of part 2 in the film mean girls which you notice

Another thing I have noticed in the movie is that Cady accepted her appearance and the way she looks and appears to the opposite sex. This is shown simply in the movie when Regina compliments how pretty Cady  is and Cady replies with a simple thank you, however this is shocking to Regina as she did not expect her to accept the compliment and was expecting a disagreement to occur. In our generation I notice woman and young girls that do not accept their body and the way that they look because so many other girls put them down also, so to girls of our age are many are uncomfortable with their looks and their body shapes, and as you grow up in this environment you notice the effects that being forced in the media is having on a number of girls every day where the are  undertaking dieting to an extreme level to where it is highly likely to affecting her/their health in long term and years to come in a America that statistics are shown on http://www.state.sc.us/dmh/anorexia/statistics.htm
That eight million people are forced to cope with eating disorders in some way ( seven million being woman and one million being men). The rates of minorities with eating disorders are mostly those that are white skin toned this is possible because they are the main race that is known to be shown in a large amount of magazines and they are forced to look at these size 1 models.
95% of those with eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25 is that healthy for a 12 year old to starve herself to “try” and be prefect when actually you are left with weak bone and your face structure is very defined and you suffer from lost energy while most of all no fat and appear to people as a “stick”. In America 50% of our 11 and 13 year olds see themselves as overweight when actually they have not developed yet and are brain washed to believe that they will “never be good enough” nor “skinny” enough.

Also this can occur not only by physical changes  in a young teenage body it can mentally cause problems and in some cases suicide attempts could also happen, a high percent of girls are diagnosed with depression at a young age and in some cases it is because they are being bullied by their weight, the way they look, something they may have done that others did not see normal, family history, and overload of stress. In my case I believe that the media is to blame for this and all these statistics.

The media portray teenage girls as “easy” to men and we will take what ever we can get, and shows us that girls really don’t have any goals  set out for their future and that while your in high school it is Said to be your “mess around years” when actually it is the time to make the most of your  opportunities under our aims and work towards major goals if it is in sport or education.
The way we are portrayed in media represents the opposite of reality and this is not a good image that we are shown in mean girls this being because this is how they do not want us to act they want us to respect our bodies they want us to accept the way we look the fact that it is possible for us being different and that being different is okay and there is no need to be ashamed, but why, why do the media make us feel upset make us never feel prefect and make us look at girls that are covered in makeup and have been photoshopped and air brushed to be portrayed as prefect to sell, thats all they want, they want there products to sell, they want their name out there they want girls to understand in the movie aspect the damage they are capable of doing and the extreme things girls are forced to do to be accepted or looked at as not a "outcast" this needs to stop it is damaging each generation that little bit more.