Sunday 26 May 2013

what is a stereotype? Stereotyping is a thought people seem to have which they seem to "label" another before they get to know them as a person. Our generation seems to underestimate one another because of looks or something they may do that others do not like. Why and how do we stereotype? why do we stereotype based on someone else's appearance,language or attitude?why do we scoop so long in this generation?We stereotype just to place people in categories and to try and get a better understand of the world in our eyes  for example when someone looks at a pretty blonde they imagine  of their image as a  dumb and ditzy blonde 
 is this how we want to  continue with our world? i believe not but at the same time stereotyping can we a good thing for example if you were walking down the street and notice a man or woman that seems to you to be sketchy or sneaking you would estimate as a human being of our nation to back away and avoid the man/woman and this statement you have put on another human being could be right and you have saved yourself from a horrible situation. Why does the media use stereotype types, its easy to relate to in reality and we in force the stereotypes ourselves, and for us it seems normal. stereotyping is  a society thing we need to work out and stop because it affects many in such cases stereotyping can be classed as unfair discrimination and no one deserves to be treated this way stereotyping now days results to racist comments and discrimination to others beliefs.